Women's Health
Women's Health is a priority at Caribou Medical Center. Our family practice providers are available to care for many of your women's health and wellness needs. If needed, our OB/GYN specialist is available 2 days a week to ensure all of your gynecologic concerns are answered. Dr. Franson, Dr. Housley, Heidi Walker, PA-C, and Dr. Packer, (OB/GYN) are available by appointment for your women's health needs.
Gynecology Surgical Specialties
When possible, your surgery will be provided in a minimally-invasive manner to ensure you get the best care and quick return-to-function.
Some of the gynecologic surgeries provided at CMH include:
- Hysterectomy: vaginal, laparoscopic, open/abdominal
- Vaginal sling for urinary incontinence
- Uterine ablation for heavy periods
- Excision endometriosis for pelvic pain
- Cesarean Section
Annual Wellness Visit
Blood pressure check, breast and pelvic exam, sexually transmitted infection screening, immunization update and contraception counseling and refills.
Blood pressure check, breast and pelvic exam, sexually transmitted infection screening, immunization update and contraception counseling and refills.
Abnormal Pap Tests
Colposcopy services in evaluation of abnormal pap tests and LEEP if indicated.
Colposcopy services in evaluation of abnormal pap tests and LEEP if indicated.
Gynecologic Infection Treatment
We evaluate, test and treat common vaginal infections and sexually transmitted infections.
Birth Control Counseling and Prescriptions
We provide IUDs, contraceptive implants and other birth control options. We help you choose what’s right for you. Dr Packer also has expertise in managing complications from birth control methods.
Advanced Contraceptive Management
There can be complications with contraception like moodiness and irregular bleeding. We offer personalized assessment of your contraceptive needs and tailor your treatment to your specific needs.
There can be complications with contraception like moodiness and irregular bleeding. We offer personalized assessment of your contraceptive needs and tailor your treatment to your specific needs.
Preconception Counseling
If you have questions about what to do to increase the health of future pregnancies we can help. Also, if you have certain medical conditions(like diabetes, bigh blood pressure), it is advised to visit with us before attempting pregnancy.
Pregnancy Testing, Counseling and Education
We can do pregnancy tests in office. If you are pregnant, we can offer you education, counseling options, resources and continue care throughout your pregnancy.
Pregnancy Care
Doctors Packer, Franson and Housley all provide pregnancy care at CMH. These experienced physicians work with a specialized nursing team to ensure each patient receives the best possible care throughout their pregnancy. Matching this outstanding level of care, CMH recently added a state of the art Labor and Delivery Unit.
Breast Issues
We can do pregnancy tests in office. If you are pregnant, we can offer you education, counseling options, resources and continue care throughout your pregnancy.
Pregnancy Care
Doctors Packer, Franson and Housley all provide pregnancy care at CMH. These experienced physicians work with a specialized nursing team to ensure each patient receives the best possible care throughout their pregnancy. Matching this outstanding level of care, CMH recently added a state of the art Labor and Delivery Unit.
Breast Issues
We can assess any problems that arise and talk with about concerns you might have. We also offer mammograms one day a month.
Fertility Evaluations
Fertility Evaluations
If you have tried to get pregnant for 12 months, we can discuss evaluation, treatment options and refer you to community resources with sophisticated technology to help you become pregnant.